28.06.2024 - People

School Work Experience in Beltrami

Alternanza scuola-lavoro: l'esperienza di Margherita in Beltrami

Craftsmanship is an art to be cultivated and developed, capable of bridging the gap between the knowledge of the past and the creativity of the future. In this sense, the school-work experience offers students the opportunity to get closer to the professional world, as happened to Margherita Leggeri in her experience at Beltrami.

We want young people to see in this world not only a professional opportunity, but also a choice that can enrich them, so that they can carry on with a fresh perspective, a tradition that we do not want to lose.

Inspired by the experience of the village’s elderly seamstresses, Margherita made a dress using recycled fabrics and materials, which was presented during the Mid-Lent Festival in Bergamo.

We would like to thank the Silv Fashion School in Bergamo for their collaboration and we are proud of the progress and commitment Margherita has shown during her school-to-work experience. We hope that an experience like this will inspire other young people to discover and appreciate the art of craftsmanship, helping to keep it alive and dynamic in future generations.

Watch the full interview here

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